The Stonemason, Croatia 2023

Most of my business life has been around design, development, and manufacturing.  Imagine my delight when the opportunity arose to visit one of the world’s oldest Stonemasons School.

Yes, on the Island of Brač, Croatia I was privileged to visit this school, which was founded in 1909, a mere 115 years ago! Of course, stonemasonry existed well before that but the fantastic thing about this school is that it is constantly filled to capacity with young people learning the trade.




They have passion, dedication, a love of history.  The art form is performed manually with means of manual wrought tools.  It is a 3- or 4-year course depending on whether you want to qualify as a ‘Stonemason Technician’, or simply a ‘Stonemason’.  Nothing simple about this, and it was a nostalgic experience after having been in the ‘stone’ industry for many years.


After a long and passionate speech by a young student in the school, the dust and tears got to me a bit which left nothing to do but wander along the waterfront, find a bar, order a Spritz and revel in the moment.

In a more humble manner, I have reproduced such items, many of which are timeless architectural examples.  I don’t think I have ever filled one of my homes without passionately showcasing my own collection – some might say ‘overfill’!


There are a few special items for sale on the website—hop on and look!


From Croatia--------zbogom



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